
Rank Team SRC MAE
1 Formosa.No1 0.5904 1.4960
2 007 0.6481 1.6494
3 I am Iron Man 0.5756 1.5833
3 CobotVisionLab 0.6511 1.7666
5 SMPCityU 0.5367 1.7484
6 Kopen 0.5108 1.7729
7 DSAI 0.4522 1.8936
8 Area66 0.4291 2.0088

Team Ranking

The ranking for the competition for each year is based on a quantitative evaluation, respectively. Specifically, a rank list of teams is produced by sorting their scores on each objective evaluation metric, respectively. The final rank of a team is measured by combining its ranking positions in the three ranking list for the respective task and defined as:

R(team) = R(team)@SR + R(team)@MAE

where R(team) is the rank position of the team on a particular metric, e.g., if the team achieves the best performance in terms of Spearman’s Rho, then R(team)@SR is "1". The smaller the final ranking, the better the performance.

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